March 29, 2009

Gaza War Crimes Investigation

Cut to pieces: the Palestinian family drinking tea in their courtyard.
Israeli unmanned aerial vehicles – the dreaded drones – caused at least 48 deaths in Gaza during the 23-day offensive

Palestinian brothers: Israel used us as human shields in Gaza war.
Three teenage boys say they were made to kneel in front of tanks to deter Hamas attacks

Under attack: how medics died trying to help Gaza's casualties.
Israeli military says medical staff 'take the risk upon themselves'

March 18, 2009

Nikon Latest Price Hike in the UK!!

Nikon has officially confirmed a new wave fo price increases from 1st March on most of its product lines. The increase is the second in less than two months. On 12 January, Nikon had already raised its prices by up to 20%.

'The [new] price increase is due to the relative weakness of Sterling and the continued strength of the Yen,' Nikon explains. 'A range of product groups will be affected however the Coolpix series and selected digital SLRs will not see an increase.

However, more worrying for photographers, is Nikon's aknowledgment that this recent price increase could be the second in a long series. 'Nikon will continue to review its pricing structures,' it says.
Here's a sample graph of the price trend of the Nikon D300 with 12-24mm lens kit:
Since Canon had also increased its price twice this year, so people are left with no choice but a whole range of more and more expensive cameras than they have ever been..Let's just have a look at the price trend of Canon EOS 5D Lens Kit (EF 24-105 f/4 L IS):
Too bad!!! This is like taking the world back to the 70's, when a camera would cost u a FORTUNE!! :(

Children of Heaven (Bacheha-Ye aseman)

Children of Heaven (Persian: بچه‌های آسمان) is a 1997 Iranian film by Majid Majidi. It was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1998. It deals with a brother and sister and their adventures over a lost pair of shoes.

In 1998, the film was the first Iranian film to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. It was successfully shown on numerous film festivals and won awards at the Fajr Film Festival, the World Film Festival, the Newport International Film Festival, the Warsaw International Film Festival, and the Singapore International Film Festival. It was nominated for the Jury's Grand Prize at the American Film Institute's festival.

(I watched this film few years ago, when I was still studying at school..Personally, I think it's a great movie, one that's worth-watching..Here's the download links for those who wish to give it a try, and for those who feels like watching it again, just like I did.. :)

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8

Traveller IQ Challenge