April 29, 2009

Close Up Filter & Macro Glass

With the kit lens of 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 on my Canon EOS 400D, I'd say macro shooting is quite limited since the image gets blur whenever I move close enough to the subject. So, finally I got myself a set of FOX Close Up filters (+1, +2 and +4) and a macro glass (+10). Now, I can experiment macro shooting without actually spending a fortune. I realize that the image quality won't be as good as using a dedicated macro lens such as Canon 250D or 500D, but as a beginner, having this set should be good enough for me, at least for now. I'm looking forward to shooting stuffs like the frog below, great one!

p.s: I'm thinking of extension tube too, actually..It can give me longer focus point while maintaining the image quality, since it has no glass element at all..hmmm..


Traveller IQ Challenge