February 17, 2009

Free PS Brushes

Here are some PS brushes I'd like to share with u guys..They should work with all PS CS versions..Have fun trying them all! :)

February 16, 2009

Nottingham University Islam Awareness Week '09

In the name of Allah the most beneficial, the most merciful

>>>>> Psst ... Think Islam’s A Bit Outdated?? <<<<<

The University of Nottingham Islamic Society, Proudly Presents:

ISOCs Biggest Events of the Year " Islam Awareness Week" where we challenge the common misconceptions and Ideas about the world fastest growing religion, Islam

This is YOUR chance to find out what Islam really says about terrorism, the current financial crisis, the oppression of women, health problems and whether these ideas originating more that 1400 years ago are compatible with today’s society!!

Speakers include world renowned Dr Jamal Badawi, Idris Tawfiq, Abu Muntasir, Rajnaara Akhtar, Dr Aisha Janjua, Faisal Sattar

For more information: suislamicsoc@nottingham.ac.uk

Latuff's Palestine Cartoons

-All images are the courtesy of Carlos Latuff-

We Will Not Go Down - Michael Heart

A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they're dead or alive

They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who's wrong or right

But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

Forever Paletine - Sami Yusuf

Mother don’t cry for me I am to win i must
God almighty is my witness and trust
Palestine, Forever Palestine

Children being killed for throwing stones in the sky
They say to their parents don’t worry, God is on our side
Palestine, Forever Palestine

Mother don’t worry when they come for us at night
Surely they’ll be sorry when God puts them right
Tell me why they’re doing what was done to them
Don’t they know that God is with the oppressed and needy
Perished were the nations that ruled through tyranny
Palestine, Forever Palestine

Children of Palestine are fighting for their lives
They say to their parents we know that Palestine is our right
They to say to their parents we’ll fight for what is right
They say not to worry God is on our side
They say we’ll die for Palestine
Palestine, Forever Palestine

Mark Steel: What have Palestinians got to complain about anyway?

When you read the statements from Israeli and US politicians, and try to match them with the pictures of devastation, there seems to be only one explanation. They must have one of those conditions, called something like "Visual-Carnage-Responsibility-Back-To-Front-Upside-Down-Massacre-Disorder".

For example, Condoleezza Rice, having observed that more than 300 Gazans were dead, said: "We are deeply concerned about the escalating violence. We strongly condemn the attacks on Israel and hold Hamas responsible."

Someone should ask her to comment on teenage knife-crime, to see if she'd say: "I strongly condemn the people who've been stabbed, and until they abandon their practice of wandering around clutching their sides and bleeding, there is no hope for peace."

The Israeli government suffers terribly from this confusion. They probably have adverts on Israeli television in which a man falls off a ladder and screams, "Eeeeugh", then a voice says, "Have you caused an accident at work in the last 12 months?" and the bloke who pushed him gets £3,000.

The gap between the might of Israel's F-16 bombers and Apache helicopters, and the Palestinians' catapulty thing is so ridiculous that to try and portray the situation as between two equal sides requires the imagination of a children's story writer.The reporter on News at Ten said the rockets "may be ineffective, but they ARE symbolic." So they might not have weapons but they have got symbolism, the canny brutes.

It's no wonder the Israeli Air Force had to demolish a few housing estates, otherwise Hamas might have tried to mock Israel through a performance of expressive dance.

The rockets may be unable to to kill on the scale of the Israeli Air Force, said one spokesman, but they are "intended to kill".

Maybe he went on: "And we have evidence that Hamas supporters have dreams, and that in these dreams bad things happen to Israeli citizens, they burst, or turn into cactus, or run through Woolworths naked, so it's not important whether it can happen, what matters is that they WANT it to happen, so we blew up their university."

But mostly the Israelis justify themselves with a disappointing lack of imagination, such as the line that they had to destroy an ambulance because Hamas cynically put their weapons inside ambulances.

They should be more creative, and say Hamas were planning to aim the flashing blue light at Israeli epileptics in an attempt to make them go into a fit, get dizzy and wander off into Syria where they would be captured.

But they prefer a direct approach, such as the statement from Ofer Schmerling, an Israeli Civil Defence official who said on al-Jazeera, "I shall play music and celebrate what the Israeli Air Force is doing."

Maybe they could turn it into a huge national festival, with decorations and mince pies and shops playing "I Wish We Could Bomb Gaza Every Day".

In a similar tone Dov Weisglas, Ariel Sharon's chief of staff, referred to the siege of Gaza that preceded this bombing, a siege in which the Israelis prevented the population from receiving essential supplies of food, medicine, electricity and water, by saying, "We put them on a diet."

It's the arrogance of the East End gangster, so it wouldn't be out of character if the Israeli Prime Minister's press conference began: "Oh dear or dear. It looks like those Palestinians have had a little, er, accident. All their buildings have been knocked down – they want to be more careful, hee hee."
And almost certainly one of the reasons this is happening now is because the government wants to appear hard as it wants to win an election. Maybe with typical Israeli frankness they'll show a party political broadcast in which Ehud Olmert says, "This is why I think you should vote for me", then shows film of Gaza and yells: "Wa-hey, that bloke in the corner is on FIRE."

And Condoleezza Rice and her colleagues, and the specially appointed Middle East Peace Envoy, could then all shake their heads and say: "Disgraceful. The way he's flapping around like that could cause someone to have a nasty accident."

[Retrieved from belfasttelegraph.co.uk]

February 13, 2009

PMS Buddy now on iPhone..

PMS Buddy - an iPhone app that helps to facilitate harmony between Mars and Venus, enables users to keep a close eye on the mood swings, headaches and food cravings that often occur at “that time of the month”. Men can use it to be ‘forewarned’ of impending PMS-related issues, while women can use it to monitor their own cycle or that of others. The app is based on the PMS Buddy web site, whose slogan reads, "Saving relationships, one month at a time!"

Yes, the idea is to give you a reminder of when that time of the month is coming, so as to avoid misunderstandings, which could lead to heated arguments and "dinner plates being hurled across the room," PMS Buddy's web site says.

“Women don’t appreciate it when you come home and maybe things are a little tense and the man says ‘Hey, do you have PMS?’” he said. “So we thought, ‘wouldn’t it be funny to automate it and make it available to the masses,” said Jordan Eisenberg, founder of PMS Buddy.

"Definitely useful for the 'WTF is wrong with me? Why am I so bitchy?' moments,"tweeted "Jemmen." "Also will be useful for couples trying to conceive."

[Retrieved from:
blog.wired.com and telegraph.co.uk]

This is actually not something new as some similar apps have already been released before; iPeriod, My Girls, Calendar and PMS Meter to name a few. As long predicted, IT gadgets can do almost everything now that it can tell you when women in your life are closing in on "that time of the month" - when things can get intense for what may seem to be no reason at all. Here's a screenshot of iPeriod app on iPhone.
There's this one comment on the site which I find quite funny, yet very true.

"Warning: Asking a woman when she has PMS while she is experiencing PMS can result in the service not being needed until you meet someone new." --Posted by: EricF

And here's another comment from a user of PMS Buddy web app..Sounds like this app is really worth trying for most men out there..

"I've been using their web app for 6 months or so..now I get updates when my 2 exes are on their period. Great." --Posted by: Drew

February 12, 2009

A kid prodigy + love for his sister = iPhone app!!

Software companies big and small should live in fear of Lim Ding Wen — a nine-year-old in Singapore who's already authored an iPhone application.

His painting app Doodle Kids, free in the iPhone App Store, doesn't do much besides scatter colorful triangles, squares and plus signs on a virtual canvas, but he's way ahead of his time. Doodle Kids has been downloaded 4,000 times over the past two weeks.

"I wrote the program for my younger sisters, who like to draw," Lim told Reuters.

Lim started using a computer at age 2. He is fluent in six programming languages, and he's completed 20 programming projects. Lim is wise to get an early start on the App Store, where some developers are striking it rich with their iPhone apps. For example, independent developer Steve Demeter, said he made $250,000 in just two months with his iPhone game Trism.

Lim's father Lim Thye Chean is a chief technology officer who also writes iPhone applications.

With Doodle Kids complete, Lim is already working on his next iPhone app: a science fiction game called Invader Wars.

[Retrieved from wired.com]

Online photo sharing..

Personally, I love photography though I'd say I'm just a beginner..Be it a random camera snapshot or a fine digital art, i just love it!! Now that explains why I frequent flickr and deviantart, two sites that I find really interesting among thousands of other online photo sharing sites..While flickr is basically an endless database of uploaded camera snapshots, deviantart is more of a compilation of fantastic digital arts, mostly made from scretch for various functions..

Hmm..considering that I've got to do some researches for my group meeting tomorrow, I think I'll just share some of the online photo sharing sites that I find popular and rather useful..I'll write on deviantart maybe at some other time.. :)

Alright, there they are..I only managed to list these few, though there's this one photo sharing site that I know of, but I forgot the name of the website..Will update the post once I recalled the name..Oh noooo..I feel like I'm getting old a bit too fast these days.. :(
Gotta stop here now..

February 10, 2009


It's my second post..Was browsing thru lotsa blogging widgets just now and came across a few interesting ones..Somehow I miss the IT & Multimedia class back in UNiM, it was really fun!! We had the chance to mess around with those HTML and JS codes :D

Time...Well, this post isn't actually about those fun times we had, I was actually wondering about the way I spent my time today..After a tiring, full-day class, I had a meeting and only reached back home at almost 8pm..Enjoyed dinner and chatting with my housemate before I decided it's time to prepare things for tomorrow's classes..Unfortunately, I was too "busy" browsing thru the widgets that I haven't prepared anything for tomorrow up til ...it's past midnight now!! hmm..It feels like time passes a bit too fast these days..Gotta go now!! :)

February 08, 2009

Passion + Authority = BLOGGING

So, blogging requires passion..I mean, continues passion..
hmm..I wonder if blogging really suits me..~lack of passion~

Traveller IQ Challenge