February 10, 2009


It's my second post..Was browsing thru lotsa blogging widgets just now and came across a few interesting ones..Somehow I miss the IT & Multimedia class back in UNiM, it was really fun!! We had the chance to mess around with those HTML and JS codes :D

Time...Well, this post isn't actually about those fun times we had, I was actually wondering about the way I spent my time today..After a tiring, full-day class, I had a meeting and only reached back home at almost 8pm..Enjoyed dinner and chatting with my housemate before I decided it's time to prepare things for tomorrow's classes..Unfortunately, I was too "busy" browsing thru the widgets that I haven't prepared anything for tomorrow up til ...it's past midnight now!! hmm..It feels like time passes a bit too fast these days..Gotta go now!! :)


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