February 13, 2009

PMS Buddy now on iPhone..

PMS Buddy - an iPhone app that helps to facilitate harmony between Mars and Venus, enables users to keep a close eye on the mood swings, headaches and food cravings that often occur at “that time of the month”. Men can use it to be ‘forewarned’ of impending PMS-related issues, while women can use it to monitor their own cycle or that of others. The app is based on the PMS Buddy web site, whose slogan reads, "Saving relationships, one month at a time!"

Yes, the idea is to give you a reminder of when that time of the month is coming, so as to avoid misunderstandings, which could lead to heated arguments and "dinner plates being hurled across the room," PMS Buddy's web site says.

“Women don’t appreciate it when you come home and maybe things are a little tense and the man says ‘Hey, do you have PMS?’” he said. “So we thought, ‘wouldn’t it be funny to automate it and make it available to the masses,” said Jordan Eisenberg, founder of PMS Buddy.

"Definitely useful for the 'WTF is wrong with me? Why am I so bitchy?' moments,"tweeted "Jemmen." "Also will be useful for couples trying to conceive."

[Retrieved from:
blog.wired.com and telegraph.co.uk]

This is actually not something new as some similar apps have already been released before; iPeriod, My Girls, Calendar and PMS Meter to name a few. As long predicted, IT gadgets can do almost everything now that it can tell you when women in your life are closing in on "that time of the month" - when things can get intense for what may seem to be no reason at all. Here's a screenshot of iPeriod app on iPhone.
There's this one comment on the site which I find quite funny, yet very true.

"Warning: Asking a woman when she has PMS while she is experiencing PMS can result in the service not being needed until you meet someone new." --Posted by: EricF

And here's another comment from a user of PMS Buddy web app..Sounds like this app is really worth trying for most men out there..

"I've been using their web app for 6 months or so..now I get updates when my 2 exes are on their period. Great." --Posted by: Drew


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